

Memory injection unlocker for Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition</p>

:wrench: Versions

BEAMinject comes in 2 versions:

We recommend trying BEAMinject first, and if you have issues, you can move to the GUI version for debugging.

:inbox_tray: Downloads

You can download the latest nightly release here.

:rotating_light: About AV detections

Some poorly designed AVs (namely Microsoft, Avast and AVG) might detect our packed Python executables as a trojan.

There is nothing we can do about this except sign the binaries, which is really expensive.

Since the code is open and all builds are distributed via GitHub Actions, you can confirm that the executable is safe and whitelist it in your AV software!

:test_tube: ARM support

Read support status here.

:computer: Support

This only works on Windows, and won’t be ported to other platforms (for obvious reasons).

For all support needed, you can open an issue! And you can join our Discord server or ask in Reddit for further support needed.

:page_with_curl: License

All code and assets are licensed under GNU AGPLv3.